Insurance for college students in Lynnwood, WA

Auto Insurance, Renters Insurance & Discounts for Your College Student

Leaving for college is an exciting time for your child. Whether your child is moving out of state, moving out of your home or even living with you at home, college is a new chapter in his or her life. Being your agent, there are a few common…
Insurance Coverage for Natural Disasters in Lynnwood, WA

September is National Preparedness Month – Here is How It Relates to Your Insurance

FEMA, and are big voices in reminding Americans that September is National Preparedness Month. is a great resource for teaching you how to prepare for a natural disaster. What do they consider a disaster? Wildfires,…
Four things to consider if you are looking to become a landlord in Lynnwood, WA

Four Things to Know If You Are Looking to Become a Landlord

Whether you are looking to buy an investment property or are looking change your existing home into a rental property, there are some things you should know about becoming a landlord. Most people choose to become a landlord for the financial…